Monday, August 20, 2007

High Performing Sales Managers


Great ‘Sale’ Managers are good sales coaches. When a prospect is in the showroom then the sales manager is leading the charge for the sale. You need to be creative to support and backstop your sales consultant. Sometimes they will run out of ideas and confidence. That’s when the sales team leader earns their pay.

Two more characteristics of top performing sales team leaders
(1) They run a strong sales desk. They know what to do and how to coach to close the sale.

(2) They are willing and confident to go in on deals quickly and skilfully when needed.

STRONG SALES DESK. There is always an open door at the sales team leaders/managers desk for a deal. Nothing else is more important than this sales consultant with his/her deal—not the dealer, not the factory zone people, not the phone. The salesperson is king when they have an offer to present or a need to get direction on his deal. No waiting in line, everything stops for the salesperson.
The peak performing sales manager has a predictable approach to each offer. He keeps the chat to a minimum, assesses the offer situation quickly and gives a specific strategy. They don't say, "you need more money"—your sales consultant knows that. The top team leaders tell them "how to" get the offer improvement. The first time the offer is presented the best sales leaders congratulate the salesperson on achieving the offer—no matter how far away the offer is from acceptable. This builds respect and confidence in your sales consultant.

Effective leaders put on their coaching hat and then give a clear simple instruction that gets the salesperson back with his prospect quickly. Top ‘sales’ managers don't use the outdated method of making the prospect wait for his decision on the first offer. The good sakes coaches know when to change the Basis of Negotiation, and how to make it easy for the prospect to say "yes". I am always impressed when the best sales desk managers want to attend all my courses on Sales Desk Management for a tune-up and new ideas, and the rest less. Tells you something doesn't it. Some managers are more interested in getting their golf score down but not their closing ratio. Check out my website or email for additional ideas you can use.

TOP GUNS SALES LEADERS NEVER Walk Prospects Without Meeting the Client. A sales leader who goes in on deals, everyday, makes more money for the dealership than any desk jockey ever did. Most managers will walk deals without ever meeting the customer, "if that salesperson couldn't get the deal I'm sure I couldn't". The peak performing sales leaders regularly close deals that would be walked if they didn't meet the customers, not everybody closes, but lots do. They don't miss an opportunity to get the sale—it means too much to the dealership and sales consultant to walk a prospect without even trying. Sales team leaders don't lose their confidence by riding the desk getting slivers, hiding behind paper, they are enjoying the opportunity to keep the sale.

There are many managers who can become "High Performing" Sales Team Leaders. But for some managers they "just don't have time" to do the things I have shared. Too many good potential sales team leaders are bogged down in administration when they need to be focused on making sales. Maybe you, the dealer, better look again at your priorities before it is too late. What are you doing today, to make your manager able to achieve their potential as a peak performing sales team leader? Check out $$$