Do you have an EFFECTIVE Closing Strategy? Really?
If you aren’t closing well you aren’t eating well. If you aren’t closing well too many people who intended to buy a vehicle today are disappointed…maybe even a little angry.
Your customers want you to be good at closing. People really want you to be good at what you do. Why? They really want to buy a vehicle! Your customers want to solve their vehicle problems. They want out of their old vehicle, now. They want to get on with their life.
Closing the sale is not an event at the end of the presentation. It is a process. A process that is designed to help your customer come to a buying decision. That is what closing is by my definition—helping people make positive buying decisions. Help more people and you will make more money. But,
Ø It is not about you and it’s not about your commission.
Ø It is not about making a sale.
Ø It is not about getting a sticker on the board.
Key Point - Your customer’s love to buy and hate to be sold.
It is about helping your customer make a comfortable, timely buying decision. If you have an effective closing strategy it leads to a customer saying “yes” and being delighted about it. Closing is all about your customer. Closing is all about pain relief. It is about looking forward to driving a new vehicle—good stuff if you are a customer. Good thing if you are a sales consultant.
The Automotivator Closing Strategy that works. Quit selling and start helping and you will make more money. Lots more.
¨ The client has to trust and like you. How do you come across at first impressions lately?
¨ You need to know the trade is a big part of deal with 70% of your clients. Even when your customer says it is not. If don’t know how to handle their trade early in the sale you lose. Do you?
¨ You both have to be comfortable with the right vehicle, based on an accurate understanding of the customer's real needs, desires or problems. Do you wander the lot hoping to get lucky?
¨ You have to present your vehicle powerfully from your customer's perspective…and better than your competitor salesperson! Do you really?
¨ You have to help your client make the vehicle decision first—BEFORE you serve up numbers. Do you?
¨ You have to present the payments, trade-in value, price and down payment in a ‘value-based’ write-up closing presentation that is natural and comfortable for your customer to say “Yes”. How do rate your write-up process to help your customer’s close?
You are saying right now in your mind, “Duh, this not new, I know this stuff.” Success is not about what you know—it is about what you do! Every time. I lay a wager you really adlib your sales approach most of the time. How would you like your heart surgeon adlibbing his way through your operation? I bet you don’t like those odds! Ask your sales team leader about your consistency. Attempting to close a sale without all of the above steps is to invite a 'no sale' result and a walk. Humm…doesn’t seem like a plan.
Do too many customers say they have to “talk it over”, “sleep on it”, or “shop around”. NO decision… or was there? The decision to stall is a decision….and you wiff your commission Why? Because your sales process was out of step with your customer’s buying process.
My mystery shopping tours prove too few automobile salespeople actually have a 'closing strategy'- a process that they follow with each and every sales opportunity. They meet and greet, ask a few questions, jump into a vehicle presentation and go for bumbling close. Don’t’ be one of them!
There is a very powerful closing process that I coach in my Skill Specific Coaching workshops. It works! Successful salespeople are following my sales process and are eating very well.
If you really want to improve sales and improve your personal income, improve your closing strategy.
(Sales Managers and Dealers, contact me for my dates available for the Automotivator in-house workshop - Coaching on Closing.) *** See note below.
Sales Quote - "Your past sales process has determined your sales success at this moment. What you do today and from now on will determine where you are tomorrow. Are you moving forward or coming to a standstill?" Dave Kemp.
Have a great selling day! Dave.
Dave Kemp, the Automotivator, The Automobile Sales Coach.
Call - 1-800-668-0326
Dedicated to improving the buying experience in the nation’s showrooms.
*** Dealers and Managers to receive your own Sales Skills Evaluation Form to pinpoint where your specific team members can improve their sales results just email me. It is no charge to our sales training bulletin dealers. Valuable accurate insights you need to succeed.