Monday, November 29, 2010

Month End Blues

  • Month end blues?

    The Road to SALES Success is Always under Construction
    How to AVOID the Bumps.

    This car business is a great business for a sales inclined person to make great money. But you want to avoid the bumps on the road to success—and you can!

    My experience as a successful salesperson, sales manager and dealer taught me these truths.
    Four primary reasons why salespeople do not reach their sales goals or exceed their sales quotas every month.
    Indifferent, inconsistent Sales Process
    Poor sales follow-up and prospecting skills
    Poor planning and time management
    Letting outside influences control their attitudes and success.

    What is your basis for not achieving the sales you want?
    You have to have a strong business plan to construct a good income.
    I was back again recently providing professional development with a long-term training and Trackstar Follow-up client. One of the sales professionals started his first day in the car sales business with me in a ‘new hires seminar’. He came up and shared his biz experience with me. He was making great money and only in the business two and half years. This now very successful sales consultant said to me, “Your professional automobile sales training makes an impact on me. I use it man.” Then he said this. “You were right Dave. The car business is a pretty simple business to make good money in compared to other fields.”
    Do you agree? Are you making any serious money? Here is the secret. Good and great car salespeople keep it simple and effective.

    Automotivator Road to Success

    1) Ask each prospect to buy! Every time.
    The reason your customers do not buy—because you don't ask them to. Give each customer a reason to buy. Offer an incentive to your prospects. How do you expect them to become buyers without a nudge?
    If you're going to rely on your customer having the incentive to take the bull by the horns and close themselves... then you are dreaming overestimating your buyers. They won’t. They need and want help to make a decision. They need confidence. They need a reason to buy today from you!!
    Heck, you can’t expect complete strangers to just 'drop' money into your pockets because you have a good personality.

    2) Follow-up
    Don’t complicate this business. People come in, they either buy or walk. If you can’t close them the first time, you better be geared up to convert your walk-outs into be-backs. It is that simple. You will make money.

    The best sales opportunities come from only four simple sources, my friends.
    1. Be-back appointments
    2. Repeat customers
    3. Referral prospects from recently sold customers and service department customers
    4. Internet leads

    If you don’t follow-up you are not going to make any serious money! It is that uncomplicated.
    The highest quality traffic you meet in your dealership are be-backs, repeats and referrals. Your closing ratio is over 50% with these prospects. But if you are waiting for the walk-ins your closing ratio is 13%. That is one sale for every seven walk-ins. This approach is simply stupid.
    As a salesperson, I discovered the top gun at our dealership never took ups. Never! The best salespeople I know don’t take walk-ins. Yes, they did when they started into our business but… they made sure they had a system in place to build their future business. (I designed Trackstar to make an automotive sales consultant’s life very simple and highly profitable with follow-up.) Check this video out if you are a dealer or sales manager. Click: Click and Check out this short video.

    3) Prospect
    Spend your time where you will make the most money—every day.

    * Plan to prospect the service department for buyers in disguise.
    * Target people who are spending major money on their four- seven year old vehicles. They are entering their buying cycle—they just don’t know it.
    * Orphan Service clients are a source of serious money, they know your dealership but have no salesperson.
    * Target the orphan customers when a salesperson leaves your store. Adopt these orphan customers and you will make many more sales. Keep in touch with these owners/orphans and you will be increasing sales every month.

    4) Attitude
    Finally, don’t let other people disguised as automobile salespeople discourage you from making this business payoff. Attitude counts! Not everyone with a sales consultant’s title is motivated to follow-up and prospect. In fact, some salespeople are downright unmotivated. Stay clear of them. They whine and complain about the pay plan, the weather, the inventory, the service department, their sales manager, the appraisals and whatever else they can think of. But they don’t hold themselves accountable for doing what it takes to be successful. They do love to drag you down with them. Don’t let them.

    Sales Quote – Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is currency, a treasure you can always carry easily and use to buy success.
    This is a simple business and a well paid business, if you keep your mind on the business and not into someone else’s business. Don’t let someone determine your attitude. As my friend Zig Ziglar says, “Your attitude determines your altitude! Get rid of the stinkin’ thinking and climb to the top of your sales team.”

    Automotivator Action Plan – Today is the day to follow-up, prospect and create your positive attitude. Contact me today if you want specific ideas to impact on your personal bottom-line. I really mean it. NO charge. I really want to help. Click here: BTW – Pass this newsletter on to someone you like.

    Now, have FUN AND go out and construct some serious money and success in our car and truck business.
    Have a great month, folks
    Dave Kemp, the Automotivator.
    Canada’s Automobile Sales Coach
    Copyright 2010, Dave Kemp Seminars 1-800-668-0362

    Attn. Progressive Dealers and Sales Managers - want to increase profits in this competitive market? –BOOK professional development dates now – There are only a few dates left for IN-HOUSE Skill Specific Coaching workshops – Powerful and effective Professional Development for your Sales Professionals – Email or call for dates for your Sales Team.

    Trackstar Gold - Keeping ‘in touch’ with your prospects and clients will make you serious money. Preview this short video on Trackstar.
    Click and Check out this short video. Customer Follow-up is automatic with Trackstar. It is the most effective computer follow-up system in North America. Discover why dealers like you are abandoning complicated, cumbersome, ineffective systems. They are turning to the most dealer-proven, powerful but uncomplicated system available to bring walk-outs back and to build a loyal client-base of repeat customers.

Yes.. YOU can make more SALES and more $$$

  • Confused how to do it? Here’s how.

    About two months ago I received a call from a car sales consultant who asked me, Dave, how do I increase my income? I have grown stagnant in sales and need to kick-start some sales action”. We talked about his sales process and then I asked this critical question.
    “How good are you with the Presentation Drive?” I listened to what he was doing and then asked him to commit to improving his Presentation Drive with my Automotivator sales training principles.

    The results?! I talked with him this week, and his sales increased by 4 the first month and 5 last month!!! These results are no accident. You can do the same, if you will make a decision to improve your sales process.

    So…I ask you, “How good are you with YOUR Presentation Drive?”
    For most customers the Presentation, during your Demonstration Drive, is the deal breaker. Why? If your client doesn’t feel motivated to buy after this driving experience you probably are sunk… no matter what your price is. People buy vehicles emotionally, not logically. Are you creating emotion or yawns???

    Sales Fact
    Automobile customers clearly indicate that price is not the only factor in making a decision to buy.
    Ø The presentation and driving experience counts significantly in their buying equation. If your customer doesn’t get turned on with their drive, they walk.
    Ø The attitude generated by positive sales consultant makes an impact
    Ø The excitement created during the Presentation Drive determines whether the customer is buying from you or not.

    Remember this friend:
    When prices are the same for similar vehicles every where
    When quality is similar from every manufacturer
    When trade values are similar at your competitors

    What makes the difference?
    The sales consultant who delivers the better buying experience wins the sale. It is all about your sales process.

    Are you up to the job?

    Automotivator Keys to Sales Success
    Don’t flip the keys to the vehicle and let your customer drive first. That approach just doesn’t cut it anymore. Drive first. Sell the vehicle from the inside out.
    Present the information as you demonstrate the features you are talking about. A lack of professionalism here and kiss your sale good-bye. Put the vehicle through a powerful presentation then…. let your customer drive.
    Always let the female customer drive first, then the male. You will need her positive attitude to close the sale. But there is more, much more to becoming a power presenter.

    (If you are an auto dealer or automotive sales team leader you should schedule our Back to the New Basics in-house professional automobile sales training workshop to improve your sales process for this year.) )

    Sales Quote – “You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.” Les Brown
    Great Success, catch up with you next month, folks.
    Hey, keep in touch, call with your sales challenges and I will work with you personally, okay?
    Dave Kemp, the Automotivator.
    Canada’s Automobile Sales Coach
    Copyright 2010, Dave Kemp Seminars 1-800-668-0362

    Trackstar WEB- North America’s newest, most profitable and easiest CRM. Keeping ‘in touch’ with your prospects and clients will make you serious money. Preview this short video on Trackstar.
    Click and Check out this short video. Customer Follow-up is automatic with Trackstar. It is the most effective computer follow-up system in North America. Discover why dealers like you are abandoning complicated, cumbersome, ineffective systems. They are turning to the most dealer-proven, powerful but uncomplicated system available to bring walk-outs back and to build a loyal client-base of repeat customers.Copyright 2010 Dave Kemp, author. Automotivator. Dave Kemp Seminars. Permission to print is granted only if you retain this copyright credit to the author and contact information on all materials copied and printed or transmitted by any means electronically.